Enter Artaius!

Yes yes! Another druid. This one I shall be leveling on my own, without the fiancee telling me "we have to get to 80 by tomorrow!" (didn't happen by the way. I totally slacked off. I did /played and when I saw that I'd been playing the same level for 7 hours, I cried.)
Another justification for this druid is this: we were idiots when we made professions on Hijak and Littleprayer. They're Alchemist/Engineer/Jewelcrafter.
NO gathering proffesions!
That's where Artaius comes in. She'll be my miner/skinner or maybe even miner/herbalist though that could be tricky when trying to track two things...
Anyways, I'll let you know how this goes. She's already level 3 and I'm banging my head agaisnt the keyboard. I just want my kitty form!
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